Under The Roof: A general view of Airbnbs in the US

AirBnb Portland

Within 12 years since its inception in 2008, Airbnb takes over most of the traditional hostility industries and becomes the top accommodation choice for travellers. It claims to offer a more unique and personal way of accommodation. This blog seek to take a general view of the geographical distributions and price analysis of Airbnb accommodations, with a particular focus on Portland, Oregon.

Xinran Liu

Data Preperation

The dataset used in this blog comes from Kaggle. It contains detaied information of all Airbnb accommodations in United States up until Oct, 2020.

Show code
#Load necessary packages

#Import Data
airbnb <- read_csv(here("_posts/2021-05-11-under-the-roof-a-general-view-of-airbnbs-in-the-us/data/AB_US_2020.csv"))

#filter out unconventional observations
airbnb <- airbnb %>%
  filter(city != "Hawaii", price >= 5, number_of_reviews != 0)

What’s going on across the country

Where are they located?

Show code
states <- map_data("state")
ggplot(data = states, mapping = aes(x = long, y = lat,
                                   group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(fill = "#2a7ac9", color = "white") +
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
  geom_point(data = airbnb, aes(longitude, latitude), 
             color = "#bd3333", alpha = 0.8,
             inherit.aes = FALSE) +
  theme_void() +
  labs(title = "The Emergence of AirBnb across the country", caption = "Red Dots represent AirBnb accommodations")

Show code
counts_summary <- airbnb %>%
  group_by(city) %>%
  summarise(number_of_accommodations = n(), 
            number_of_reviews = sum(number_of_reviews)) %>%
options(knitr.table.format = "html")
kable(counts_summary, digits = 2, 
      caption = "Summary the number of accommodations across cities")
Table 1: Summary the number of accommodations across cities
city number_of_accommodations number_of_reviews
New York City 35119 1032236
Los Angeles 24398 1113802
San Diego 10318 486335
Broward County 8336 233676
Austin 7660 317650
Clark County 6208 247679
San Clara Country 5795 212513
Seattle 5701 366233
New Orleans 5657 329407
Washington D.C. 5546 287084
San Francisco 5469 319331
Nashville 5333 335559
Chicago 5265 273496
Twin Cities MSA 4037 145779
Portland 3799 345936
Denver 3586 209019
Rhode Island 3125 112455
Oakland 2607 110627
Boston 2467 126851
San Mateo County 2435 137984
Jersey City 1966 70037
Asheville 1943 161983
Santa Cruz County 1436 101355
Columbus 1251 65191
Cambridge 833 48969
Salem 152 9109
Pacific Grove 145 13437

A high density of accommodations located long the west and east coast, mostly in those well-known tourist cities like New York and LA. Until now, New York City has the greatest number of 35,119 accommodations, and its total number of reviews is already over 1 million(See Table 1).

Average Price Ranking for Cities

Show code
we <- airbnb %>%
  mutate(we = case_when(longitude > -98.35 ~ "east",
                            longitude <= -98.35 ~ "west"))

avg_city_price <- we %>%
  select(city, price, we) %>%
  group_by(city) %>%
  mutate(average_price = mean(price)) %>%
  select(city, average_price, we) %>%

avg_city_price <- avg_city_price[order(avg_city_price$average_price), ]
avg_city_price$city <- factor(avg_city_price$city, levels = unique(avg_city_price$city))

price_by_city <- ggplot(avg_city_price, aes(x = city, y = average_price)) +
         geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = we)) +
         scale_fill_manual(name="East VS. West", 
                    labels = c("Eastern area", "Western area"), 
                    values = c("west"="#81bcf7", "east"="#2774c2")) +
         coord_flip() +
         labs(title = "Average Price for different Cities", y = "Average Price($)") +
         theme_minimal() + 
         theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Take a close look at Partland

Show code
#Make a new dataset for Portland
portland <- airbnb %>%
  filter(city == "Portland")

#Make a wordcloud for the names of AirBnb
pal <- paletteer::paletteer_d("ggsci::teal_material",
                                                 n = 10)
portland %>%
  unnest_tokens(output = word, input = name,
                token = "words") %>%
  anti_join(stop_words, by = "word") %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(word = fct_reorder(word, n)) %>%
  slice_max(n, n = 60) %>%
  with(wordcloud(word, n, colors = pal,
                 random.order = FALSE,
          scale = c(5, 1)))

Make it interactive!

Show code
#Makes the icon and popup for the map
house  <- makeIcon(
  iconUrl = "https://openclipart.org/image/800px/177826",
  iconWidth = 25, iconHeight = 40)

pop_content <- paste("<b>", portland$name, 
                 "</b></br>", "Type:",
                 "</b></br>", "Price: $",
                 portland$price, "/night",
                 "</b></br>", "Number of Reviews:",

#Create interactive map
leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude, 
             data = portland, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
             popup = pop_content, icon = house)

Zoom in and out to get a sense of how the accommodations are distributed in Portland, and click on the markers to get detailed information of each accommodation.

How’s the market price in Portland

Show code
#price distribution
ggplot(portland, aes(x = price)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 40, fill = "#3576cc", color = "white", alpha = 0.9) +
  xlim(0, 500) +
  labs(title = "Price Distribution of AirBnb in Portland", x = "Price($)") +
Show code
#summary stats
price_summary <- portland %>%
  summarise(Mean = mean(price), Median = median(price), Min = min(price), 
            Max = max(price), StandardDev = sd(price))
options(knitr.table.format = "html")
kable(price_summary, digits = 2, 
      caption = "Summary statistics of the market price in Portland")
Table 2: Summary statistics of the market price in Portland
Mean Median Min Max StandardDev
131.4 90 10 8400 247.47

While the average price AirBnb accommodations in Portland has a low ranking among all cities, it still has a medium of $90/night. The average rental price in Portland is approximately $1,509/month. The AirBnb is roughly three times expensive than long-term normal rent.

What makes it so pricy?

Even though the dataset doesn’t contain social factors, columns like “room_type” and “minimum_night” specify important features for every accommodations.

Show code
ggplot(portland, aes(price, fill = room_type)) +
  geom_density(position = "stack", size = 0.3)+
  facet_grid(room_type ~.)+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = 1)+
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,300), breaks = seq(0,250,20))+
  labs(x = "Price($)", y = "Density", fill = "Room type")+
Show code
room_summary <- portland %>%
  group_by(room_type) %>%
  summarise(median_price = median(price), mean_price = mean(price), n = n()) %>%
options(knitr.table.format = "html")
kable(room_summary, digits = 2, 
      caption = "Summary of market price for different types of romm")
Table 3: Summary of market price for different types of romm
room_type median_price mean_price n
Hotel room 145 191.24 33
Entire home/apt 100 143.47 2898
Private room 55 86.65 848
Shared room 38 180.75 20

The density graphs of the four room types show very distinct distributions. Among four different types, shared room is the least common type, and has the lowest price distribution mostly falls below $80. The most expensive prices are for hotel rooms. The distribution cover a wide range a prices with a median of $145.

Show code
#Divide price into three categories
portland_price <- portland %>%
  mutate(price_cat = case_when(price <= 40 ~ "Cheap",
                               price > 40 & price <= 250 ~ "Medium", 
                               price > 250 ~ "Expensive"))

#Layers by price categories
cheap <- portland_price %>%
  filter(price_cat == "Cheap")
medium <- portland_price %>%
  filter(price_cat == "Medium")
expensive <- portland_price %>%
  filter(price_cat == "Expensive")

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addCircleMarkers(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude, 
                   data = cheap, color = "#87e3ff", radius = 6,
                   stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.8, group = "Cheap") %>%
  addCircleMarkers(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude, 
                   data = medium,  color = "#07b0e3", radius = 6,
                   stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.8, group = "Medium") %>%
  addCircleMarkers(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude, 
                   data = expensive,  color = "#0d6fa1", radius = 6,
                   stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.8, group = "Expensive") %>%
  addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c("Cheap", "Medium", "Expensive"),
                   options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))

How custermers react to the prices

To examine how sensitive customers are to prices, assume that the number of reviews is a good indicator of how popular the accommodation is.

Show code
portland_updated <- portland %>%
  filter(price <= 1500)

ggplot(portland_updated, aes(x = price, y = number_of_reviews)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.6, color = "#2a7ac9") +
  stat_smooth(fill = "#db796e", color = "#b53324", size = 0.8) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title = "How does price affect Popularity", x = "Price($)", y = "Popularity")

The graph above shows a reasonable tendency of change, the turning point of the regression line be around $80. Below this point, the popularity increases as the price increases; people seems to be careful with those extreme cheap accommodations. And above the turning point the popularity goes down as price increases, for these accommodations are less affordable.


This blog mainly looks a the physical factors of Airbnb accommodations and how they interact with each other. Considering that pricing and locations of accommodations are also heavily rely on the social surroundings, it would also be interesting if we combine the dataset with some local neighborhood statistics.


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